costume assisting for stage

Take a look through my past costume assisting projects for stage

Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage

Based on the book by Philip Pulman, the play was a steampunk-inspired parallel universe with the soul manifesting as an animal called a demon.

With a large cast, multi-roling, and almost one puppet per character, this was my exciting but challenging first step into costume assisting. I was tasked with creating an Alexander McQueen-inspired dress for the witch Tilda Vassara among other responsibilities.

Designer (Set & Costume)
Amy Lewis

Zoë Templeman Young

Puppet Designers & Makers
Alexandra Kay
Jodie Yates

Lighting Designer
Ren Liberta

Costume Assistants/Dressers
Amy Adair, Rosie Berry, Rose Thomas

Kirsten McTernan

Richard Burton Theatre Company (RWCMD)

Bute Theatre (end on proscenium)

Winter 2022

Responsibilities Included

Costume sourcing

Costume construction (Witch’s dress)


Hair styling

Costume Bible management

Show dressing

A reformation-era play written in 1993 by April De Angelis was centred around the famous actress and mistress to King Charles II of England, Nell Gwyn.

With both comedy and tragedy the play was my first experience of working strictly within a historical period whilst costume assisting. I worked heavily in styling wigs for both the male and female performers as well as appearing on stage for some choreographed costume changes.

Playhouse Creatures

Costume Designer
Emily Cantwell

Set Designer
Alberto Aquilina

Patricia Lodge (with Jac Ifan Moore)

Lighting Designer
Yasmin Alayoubi

Costume Assistants/Dressers
Amy Adair, Ysabelle Clason Morgan

Simon Gough

Richard Burton Theatre
Company (RWCMD)

Richard Burton Theatre

Winter 2023

Responsibilities Included

Costume sourcing


Wig styling

Hair styling

SFX makeup

Costume Bible management

Budget management

Show dressing (including on-stage costume changes)


technical apparel design